Thursday, December 5, 2013

Praying God's Promises

Heavenly Father,

I trust in you with all my heart and pray that you will continue to direct my steps and make my paths straight.  I come to you weary and heavy laden and trust that you will give me rest.  Your grace is sufficient for me, and I know you will help me in times of trouble.  Lord, thank you that you make all things possible by your power.  Thank you for generously providing for all my needs.  Thank you for your strength and that you will never forsake me .

In Jesus' wonderful name, Amen.

As I was pondering God's word this morning, I came to realize that I was not staying in His presence like I thought I was.  I was stressed, overwhelmed, and just ready to quit as a wife, mother, and homeschooler.  I fell to my knees before making breakfast and cried out to Jesus and a peace which surpasses all understanding came over me.  I decided right then that my family needed to put Christ back into the 1st position of our lives.  I found a 90 Bible Reading challenge that I put myself and older children on starting today.  This challenge will have us read the Bible in 90 days and I hope to use this over and over again so that we can stay in God's word throughout our lives.  As for the younger children, I am using a Bible Storybook that I plan on reading to them for 10 minutes twice a day (morning and bedtime).

I will be saying this prayer over and over again until I feel led to change it.  I pray this for all my friends and family as well.  May God bless all of us this Christmas season.


  1. Thank you for being so open and honest Colleen! God gives us all wake up calls when we need's just up to us to listen! Beautiful prayer :)

  2. Love the action you're taking to put Jesus in first place again Colleen. Thank you for sharing those steps and your prayer with us on the hop today. Praying He does an amazing work in you and through you as you move forward in these actions.
    Katrina Wylie (OBS small group leader)

  3. It's so easy to get sidetracked, I think especially for those of us who home educate sometimes. There's so much to do and so many directions to go, and different people need us at different times in different ways. We too were wallowing around as a family with several changes and a busy season of life, putting our morning devotional time on the back burner. But Advent season always seems to get us back on track. Have a wonderfully blessed day, Christine
